Thursday, December 25, 2008

Forfeit Interview (Hard Times.Ca)

Interviewed by Kirby Unrest

Name, I do/play ___ for Forfeit and this is the history of the band so far:

-My name is Tom Damiano and I play bass in Forfeit. So far we have released a demo and an EP on Reaper Records called "Visions". We have been playing out of town as much as we can and went on our first tour in the winter with Attitude. We've had a couple minor lineup changes but we are very excited for everything that we have coming up.

What were your first couple practices like?

-Our first practice was just Ben Shaw (drums) and I jamming out in his bedroom and we eventually added people to the band.

How would you describe your sound to someone who had never heard you before?

-I really don't like these questions because someone else can have a completely different opinion but I'd say it sounds like Madball meets Life Of Agony meets Integrity.

You just dropped a new 7" "Visions" that is even heavier than the demo if that can be believed. What was the writing process for it like and who did you record with? It sounds incredible.

-I am really psyched on our new EP that came through Reaper; I'm very proud of it. Anyways, writing Visions it was a mixture of me, Steve Hornyak (vocals), Sean Barr (ex member) and Joe Harrington (ex member) who each wrote a song on guitar and pieced it together with drums, bass lines and second guitar parts. We recorded with Josh Coy from Wayne Manor Studios in Syracuse, NY and had Jocko from More Sound Studios in Syracuse, NY master it. Also, thank you for the compliment; it means a lot.

Will "Visions" be released to CD and/or available as a digital download for those who don't buy vinyl?

-Our record did not come with digital download but it is available on Itunes and June 12th to record for the re-release of "Visions" on CD. It will have one new song, a cover song, "Visions", and our demo all on one CD.

Reaper Records is a pretty fresh faced label despite already accruing some major talent (Terror, Merauder); what made you want to sign them and how have things been going so far?

-I've known Patrick Kitzel for a little while now and I always went up and bought Reaper shirts and some of the new releases and I asked him if he was interested in putting an EP out for us and he was semi-interested but he said that we blew him away when he saw us in the Fall and asked if we would like to join. Personally, I think Reaper Records is one of the best labels in hardcore; no contracts, no sketchy stuff and he supports us 100%.

Any plans to release a full length in the near future?

-We hope to release a full length in the Winter or Spring through Reaper Records.

The Syracuse hardcore scene is probably best known for it's flagship bands (Earth Crisis, Another Victim, The Promise, etc) but there has been a lot of activity in the past couple years. What are some groups you'd like to mention, why do you think their has been so much growth and how has the scene influenced you as a band, musically and personally?

-I would definitely have to say that a lot of the dudes in Attitude, Black SS and Unholy have helped us out because they have hooked us up with tons of shows and encouraged us with kind words. I would definitely say that a lot of the older Syracuse guys have helped us out. To be honest, the person who has helped Forfeit out the most is definitely PaulyEdge from Meltdown. We've been friends for a while now and he does whatever he can to always hype us, give us shoutouts and just try to help us out in general. If anyone deserves a huge thank you it would definitely be him. As for groups that have helped us out The Brotherhood and the Forfeit Crew have always helped us out no matter what and always have been supporting

In a similar vein, what are your thoughts on the hardcore scene in general? Do you have any major pet peeves and what aspects keep you involved and interested?

-I am 18 years old and I've only been going to shows since I was twelve so I can't really say if things have been changing for better or for worse but I am very content with it. There is rarely any BS that goes down at shows, everyone gets along and there usually are a good amount of kids who come out to shows. As for pet peeves I would have to say that it gets on my nerves when people complain about the prices of shows. I've been booking shows for a while now and people need to understand that gas prices are going up and touring bands need to get paid.

Your lyrics are probably the best I've read/felt from a hardcore band in years and I say that with all sincerity. A few definitely confront negative experiences/situations while some have much more uplifting words but all are very true to life and heartfelt. Who is responsible for them, is there any particular message you wish to convey and what song are you most proud of lyrically?

-Steve Hornyak is responsible for those, he is very smart yet very weird (I like him a lot though!). I wish I could speak for him on that question but I can't haha

Is anyone in Forfeit currently involved in a side project?

-Yes, Steve plays bass in a band called Election Day and Brian Mcgee (guitar), Ben Shaw and myself are in a joke band called Dominator; nothing serious.

According to your MySpace, I see Ben is responsible for "weed/puking" and the other members of the group have equally important duties. Any in particular you'd like to elaborate on?

-We were playing a show in Syracuse last week and we went to Taco Bell and Steve turns to me and goes "dawg, I haven't been on the myspace in about six months; I changed some things around". I turned to everyone else and started freaking out because he had a huge grin on his face. Brian is known for being very sneaky (he's a wildcat) and quoting Arrested Development. Michael Merante looks like a Euro and has long hair; pretty weird. I forgot what Steve's thing said but it probably was about him always moshing and/or doing other related activities. I lift weights and I got a little bit of a belly so I'm a little conscious of it and I sometimes keep my shirt on (not this Summer; I'm on gains now) and they make fun of me for it. Lastly, Ben has a puking average of 75%, he almost always pukes during our set. As for the other description I would rather not talk about it in public, you can figure it out haha.

The vocals occassionally have a distinct Life of Agony feel; intentional?

-I really don't know, I really like it. We saw Life Of Agony in New Jersey this winter after we played a show and all push-pitted; it was epic.

What do you feel is the greatest problem facing the world today and if you believe it can be solved, what are the steps to do so?

-Gas prices, the war in Iraq and Global Warming. I really don't know; thank god I'm not the president.

40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up or Superbad?

-I like them all! Brian and Steve always make fun of me for my movie taste, I don't know how they feel about these movies.

The one country/continent you'd like to play?

-Does hardcore exist in Egypt? I want to play a fucking pyramid and shit.

How important is Starbucks coffee to the success of Forfeit?


Your thoughts on ass to mouth?

-It's not my mouth!

Obama, Clinton or McCain?

-I don't know!

Any chance for a US tour in '08 or '09?

-Yup! Almost done being booked! We leave July 18th and get back August 24th

The one celebrity you want to punch square in the jaw is:

-I want to punch Owen Wilson in the nose to fix it.

Big ups/endorsements/etc?

-Taco Bell and American Body Builder Association helps us out haha.

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